Business Rate Information

We offer many different rates to fit the needs of business in the Sacramento region. To learn more, read a general guide to your commercial rates and other programs. How to read the rate codes. Our rates are some of the lowest in California. Visit a general guide to our commercial rates and other programs.

Honey comprises of Moisture (17-18%), Fructose (around 40%) Glucose (around 30%) and other sugar, vitamins, nutrients, and complex sugars. Honey is excess fat free, sodium free and cholesterol free! Honey has vitamin supplements like B6 and thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin. Honey provides minerals that are best for us like calcium mineral, copper, iron magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

Antioxidants are also found in honey, such as chrysin, pinobanksin, supplement C, catalase and one antioxidant that is within honey, pinocebrin. This dietary information was obtained from the National Honey Board’s website. Honey is the only unprocessed food that never spoils. Sometimes honey will become hard or solid.

This natural process is known as granulation or crystallization. For the most all honey will eventually crystallize as time passes part, but some takes much longer than others. The deciding factor is the kind of nectar or floral source that the nectar was gathered which determines the sugar content. What causes honey to crystallize or granulate?

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Since honey comprises glucose and fructose, this high concentration of the sugars begins to split up out and can then form crystals. Remember that honey is 70% sugar and 20% or less of water. Any small particle such as pollen specifications, or even air bubbles will provide a seed for these sugar crystals to start to grow. We depend on this process to make our cream honey.

We just grind the seed crystals to be extremely small so it makes the honey feel creamy. Granulated honey is not spoiled. It can be warmed and most of the crystals can be re-liquefied. Remember, all honey will eventually granulate unless it’s been heated to 140-160 degrees and highly filtered to eliminate all particles. Of course, heating honey problems it by detatching or killing valuable enzymes.

Something that often will follow granulation is fermentation because drinking water is forced from the sugars in the granulation process. This extra drinking water causes the honey to ferment. It will absorb it from the room you process it in. That’s why I keep my processing room around 30-35% humidity and dry my supers 3 days before I process the honey. I’ve never had a fermentation issue. What is the shelf life of honey? Usually do not put it in the refrigerator.